
Antão Vaz and Diagalves 2020: Pressed grapes, shortly after harvest, fermented in stainless steel at a controlled temperature of 14 – 16 ºC. Kept in stainless steel, after fermentation, with a slight bâtonnage of fine lees for 2 months. On the other hand, the grapes from our older vineyards, which are mainly represented by Diagalves, were treated in the light of the most ancient knowledge – totally treated as vinho de talha (amphora wine), it fermented in untreated talhas. The grapes were destemmed and the skins were in full contact with the juice, with its native yeasts and without temperature control. In a long and calm fermentation, the wine and the skins were separated in January, with 4 months of skin contact, 這種獨特的類橘酒的釀造方式,卻成功地打造出白酒龐大的酒體,卻沒有橘酒的丹寧感與氧化感可以說是 Tiago 成功釀造出不需要頂級白酒特級園,卻一樣打造出恢弘澎湃的白酒架構又有著極度輕柔的平衡感,鮮活的酸度,幽微深遂纏綿的性感香料,無論是單純白酒極致的表現力或是技術上的全新展現還有超越性價比的絕對制霸能力,都希望世界酒迷們能夠一嘗究竟。
