Porfia Blanco


Blended  Prephillpxeric varieties white/ slightly orange. Variety: Cañocazo, Mantuo de Pilas, Mandtuo Castellano, Beba, Indiana, Listan del Condado, Jaen Blanco and Vijiriega.Manual harvest of all the varieties. Some of them did fermentation with skins and others straight pressed.Aromatic on white and yellow flowers, lemon zest, stone fruit and salt. 輕盈中帶著無限張力,像清澈的泉水卻又腫無限的魔力把你一層層吸引到湖水的深處,微鹹撩人的海風帶著輕透豐富的礦物感,騷動令人想奔向自由的心靈。