

Vivino 4.5:Very mineral and interesting one. Very ripe and complex. Especially for only 11 precent! 19 pts Revista de Vinhos – Melissae is the name of the nymphs of honey, another substance associated with the divine world and intimately connected with the origins of wine. The choosing of this name is a tribute to the bees, for a wine with intense flowery aromatics that remind us of the nectar they collect. The grapes of Melissae come from our highest plot, which is also the residence of our bees. Aphros 最出類拔萃的頂級白酒,清新脱俗的花香外,還環繞著清雅通透的花蜜,以及森林深處等極為深層的奇幻香氣,口感卻又是驚心動魄的酸度圍繞著層層環繞的礦物感,讓人好不迷戀。
