Flavio Roddolo

每個人心中或多或少都有幾瓶念念不忘的Barolo;傳統深邃、帝皇氣勢,深不見底的Giacomo Conterno;融合傳統與新潮,甜美中充滿爆炸力的Aldo Conterno;優雅地令人心碎的Bartolo Mascarello;毋需酒評背書,古典中兼具空靈,走自己路的傳統派大將Cappellano;當下的好就是永恆在心頭的Piemonte酒神Bruno Giacosa;為Piemonte找出現代式優雅的Elio Altare

但如果說要我用古典中又充滿溫柔爆炸力來形容的傳奇釀酒師,大概就是這一位Flavio Roddolo了,義大利深度義酒權威評鑑之一的Slow Wine Guide是如此描寫Flavio Roddolo: “Entering Flavio Roddolo’s winery is a little like crossing the threshold of a place where has stopped. To make wine at the farm of Bricco Appiani, you need to know how to wait patiently. Flavio is the perfect synthesis of a winemaker who listens and observes, shy but fully able to communicate his philosophy of production. He is a grand elder of the Langa who is worth the effort of knowing, for the gift of his wines to us and for the wisdom which he shares. ”


“I think Roddolo’s wine is in the top tier of traditional Barolo producers. ” 紐約被所有進口商公認最值得尊敬的義大利酒進口商前三名之一的Jan D’Amore是這樣給予Roddolo高度評價的。

早在幾年前透過義大利當地經銷商詢問Roddolo時,Roddolo的酒已是有名的一瓶難求,即便你親去酒莊可能都是一瓶難求,如果我說我只是剛好那年開過Monforte某個山頭,剛好遇見了Flavio Roddolo的酒莊指標,靠著google翻譯跟熱血沸騰的一點勇氣跟Roddolo結下了緣分,或許有點像天方夜譚,但緣分不都是這樣嗎?



